A genre of music classified by their bands giving concerts at parking lots, of strip malls or supermarkets. They usually set up their instruments right on the handicapped space. That causes problems.
Mastodon, Idiots on Guitar, Warren Trenchcoat, and Swayzak 1 TOM Robot 0 are examples of parking lot metal bands.
A term used to describe all metal genres or to classify a rock band as metal by people who have little to no knowledge of metal.
A term used to describe all metal genres or to classify a rock band as metal by people who have little to no knowledge of metal.
Dante : "I listen to My Chemical Romance."
Sarah : "So you listen to Screamo Heavy Metal!?" :O
A term used to describe all metal genres or to classify a rock band as metal by people who have little to no knowledge of metal.
Dante : "I listen to My Chemical Romance."
Sarah : "So you listen to Screamo Heavy Metal!? " :O
Porridge Metal - Metal Musik whos drumS are too quite, guitar has no aksEnts, trak looks longEr than it aktually is, & tEmpo is alwaYs changing its “Porridge”
1st used by Kristina Rybalchenko aka Kriss Drummer on 2023_December_16 Saturday during Live Twitch Stream. Time Stamp 3:35:00 15:35:00 CT / 21:35:00 UTC
People Present:
JDM Guitars
Fansy Krutch
Example #1
Motorhead the band has a song kalled "Overkill" it is the epitome of Porridge Metal Musik
Example #2
Motorhead - Overkill is total porridge
Term Used to Deskribe Musik That Has No Guitar Aksents, Drum Volume is to Low, Tempo Changes Frequently. Use by Kriss Drummer to Define the Trakk from Motörhead - Overkill During Live Twitch Stream.
Motörhead - Overkill is Porridge Metal
Porridge Metal - Metal Musik whos drums are too quite, guitar has no aksents, trak looks longer than it aktually is, & tempo is always changing its like “Porridge”
Term kreated & 1st used by Kristina Rybalchenko aka Kriss Drummer on 2023_December_16 Saturday during Live Twitch Stream. Time Stamp 3:35:00 15:35:00 CT / 21:35:00 UTC
Post Kreated by theMekanik
Example 1: Motorhead the Band has a song kalled “Overkill” it is the epitome of “Porridge Metal Musik”
Example 2: Motörhead - Overkill, is Porridge Metal
Porridge Metal - Metal Musik whos drums are too quite, guitar has no aksents, trak looks longer than it aktually is, & tempo is always changing its like “Porridge”
Term kreated & 1st used by Kristina Rybalchenko aka Kriss Drummer on 2023_December_16 Saturday during Live Twitch Stream. Time Stamp 3:35:00 15:35:00 CT / 21:35:00 UTC
Post Kreated by theMekanik
Example 1: Motorhead the Band has a song kalled “Overkill” it is the epitome of “Porridge Metal Musik”
Example 2: Motörhead - Overkill, is Porridge Metal