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Captain Save A Ho

A guy who always comes to the aide of a woman in crisis who only calls him when she needs something from him.

Man, you are bailing her out of jail again? Or dude, you are paying her rent again? You are picking her "friend" up @ SFO & dropping him off at her house? Quit acting like a captain save a ho.

by AsburyBlue1962 March 3, 2018

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skanky dumpster ho

Slutty, Skank, Tramp, your average whore on the street corner...

Taylor is a skanky dumpster ho..

by LBX December 27, 2006


Also written as 3-1-Ho. A slut and/or whore who lives (or pretends to live) in the "310" area code of Los Angeles. These are usually middle to upperclass skanks who frequent dance clubs, hipster joints, and upscale hotel lounges. Wardrobe is usually ultra-mini skirts, over-priced denim jeans, and/or "fuck-me" pumps. They can be identified by a desperate need for attention, lack of self-esteem and obvious signs of plastic surgery. They may seem snooty and stuck-up at first, but after a drink or two, they'll sleep with anyone at any time for any reason.

After just one drink, Tammy brought this dude back to her condo and they screwed all night. That's the 3rd guy this week! She's such a Three-One-Ho!

by UrFatLiana August 9, 2010

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Skank Ho Barbie

mostly a person who tends to be a total skank, yet dresses like a back woods ho who has no class. skank ho barbies tend to be 'self picture' takers because they have no friends to take pictures with. usually found hanging out with other posers or jobless skanks.

Ciara is such a skank ho barbie - she has no class.

by reenactorisk March 22, 2010

captin save a ho

A male who has sex with a prostitute and feels sorry for her afterwards questioning her life choices. He usually offers her encouraging advice and support to get her out of the lifestyle.

That guy was a real captin save a ho. Told me to give all this up and that he could help me find a job!

by Jenrette J. December 27, 2006

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An internet meme from a Swedish song. Literally means ''Party at Mange''. Look it up in youtube.


Guy2: mange mange

by sushiway June 28, 2011

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ho happy jackie

Coined by rapper AZ in reference to a hoodrat. The kind of woman who fucks everyone just for money and status, and is an expert at deception and playing men. The best way to deal with a ho happy jackie is to not even fuck with her. She can only fuck with you if you give her the attention she needs.

"She's nothin' but a nasty, money hungry, unclassy, ho happy jackie"- AZ

by DJ Straight 8 March 13, 2010

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