Dress and act like a light skin on sept 13
Todays light skin day
To have used an illuminator signal to force drivers to stop. The word is used as a verb
Nooo! I just got red lighted. Now I have to stop or receive a ticket to the siren music concert.
Used to describe something or someone who is simple and authentic, like someone who prefers using a match to a lighter. IE: Going to farmers markets, paying in cash, going on walks, driving stick, outgoing, likes to try new places, has a favorite hole-in-the-wall restaurant, cooking eggs, etc
Wow Jane just walked all the way to the farmers market on the other side of town to buy some organic eggs in cash, that’s so lighting a match.
A light hook is a person who attempts to save you from a relationship with a crazy bitch, but often fails.
Jake's like a light hook, don't go to him for relationship advice.
Smoking/baking before bed or at night before sleeping.
“Yo Patrick shall we light the night?”
IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHY THIS IS HERE, please ignore it. thank you
This is lighting bestagon 5
If you are not here for a specific ROBLOX game, this is not important.
"you are so lighting bestagon 5"