(informal) of a woman to touch yourself.
early 21st century: from English, a combination of the phrase "sweet pea", an informal term of endearment for a woman, and the word "pee". The current sense may also refer to a woman's private area being called a "pea" in English vulgar slang.
I was sweet peeing in the shower because my husband can't get it up anymore | I understand we all sweet-pee sometimes, but you were doing it for five hours!
A rat that is or smells like pee also a username of a person who plays among us , usually described as a dumb smelly bitch and often told to “Shit the fuck up Pee Rat you’re so annoying” which must hurt
Pee Rat is and exquisite being but they are really annoying
Making a girl cum when you have a Prince Albert piercing.
I had sex last night and andrew made me cum. He had PA piercing so I got Pee-Aid.
This term is derived from when people were younger and believed that urine was stored in the testicles. It can be used in a sentence as a “shock word” or an insult.
“Dude, you got yo Pee-Pee Nuts on. Get real.”
“Pee-Pee Nuts, dude!”
It's the little bit that holds the pee in, keeps you from peeing your pants, except when you're surprised or scared.
"You scared the pee wodden out of me!" my grandmother used to say.
An individual who accidentally spills a urine sample on their hands and is so dumb someone has to tell the individual to go wash their hands.
“Did you see Ole Pee Pee Hands trip up the stairs and spill that hot piss all over his hands?”
When you fail at cleaning your penis fully after pissing
Ben: Aww shit man
Tim: What!?!
Ben: I fucking pee wee herman piss myself!!!
Tim: Wtf-