Source Code

African-American Ops

Another way to say Call of Duty Black Ops if you think the word "black" is referring to people with dark skin.

Usually used in the United-States.

Dude: Hey dud did you get African-American Ops yet?
Guy: Yeah dude the game is SWEET!

by CJserrano November 14, 2010

26πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Playstation All-Americans

Introduced by college football coaching legend, Bobby Bowden, in response to fans that think they know more than coaches because they excel at playing games on Playstation and similar video games. A variation of an armchair quarterback.

Those Playstation All-Americans don't really know a thing about the X's and O's of football.

by Shaolin October 5, 2004

39πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

African-American Berry

n. President Obama's Blackberry.

The politically correct definition of a "Blackberry" cellphone.

Obama really likes his african-american berry!

by Yuffiek133 January 27, 2009

38πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

african american express

First used by Kanye West. Slang for AmEx's "Black Card"

I went to the malls and I balled too hard
'Oh my god, is that a black card?'
I turned around and replied, why yes but I prefer the term
African American Express

by festsitron October 28, 2005

253πŸ‘ 99πŸ‘Ž

American Taliban Beard

(n) Not to be confused with the Hipster Beard, or the Charles Manson Beard, the American Taliban Beard is a full beard worn with a shaved head.

Named after John Walker Lindh, the "American Taliban" homegrown terrorist who is serving a 20 year sentence for joining the Taliban and fighting against the US in Afghanistan.

Muslim men who are performing the Hajj to Mecca and Jihadis who are planning to commit suicide bombings often shave their heads, but leave their beards so that they are clean when they ride the magic carpet to Allah and their 72 virgins.

The American Taliban Beard is the laziest haircut a man can have. Never have to comb your hair & never have to shave.

by Leisure Class Hero October 17, 2010

36πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

The Neo African Americans

The Neo African Americans is a term used by documentary filmmaker Kobina Aidoo to describe recent, voluntary immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean. In an interview with CNN, he revealed that his working title was The New African Americans until he realized that many of the respondents did not consider themselves African American, so he changed New to Neo. In his words, "new with a twist."

The Neo African Americans is a living documentary; it’s never really finished. It’s a conversationβ€”a conversation about how rapid, voluntary immigration from the Caribbean and, especially, Africa is transforming the African American narrative.

by Esi00 June 17, 2009

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

american mcgee's alice

A game taken from alice and wonderland, she was in her dream world while her parents were dying in fire. Then she goes insane with guilt and ends up in an asylum. She then returns to wonderland with avengance!!!!
Made by American McGee

The other i was playing American Mcgee's Alice

by Goonmaster January 15, 2005

50πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž