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He is known for a lot, he can be funny , rude and energetic, sweet guy.He is the best friend you can have he will always care about you even tho he doesn’t show it. Angel is type of person that would be a bitch and nice at the same time and He’s a sweetheart and acts like he’s not athletic , when in reality he’s very athletic. Also, Angel could be that guy that roast people a lot. He secretly is a complete nerd, but no one knows it.

Angel is a teddy bear.

by ,Lissa November 22, 2021


the best fucking chinese asain hard working mexican youll come across.hes 1 in a million,he likes to eat hella food but still stays skinny no matter what.he likes pulling hair,and bullys gae people.he likes playing i message games with people and currently winning on 8ball with 241 wins. they have a crazy ass mom that yells at them when their in pain.but their clever and tall. and rarely get pimples,but when they do it's usually on their nose.and the origin of angel is the best origin ever. boom roasted

bro look at angel

by sdbbe November 21, 2021


very mean green bean

person a : "is angel nice"
person b : "no angel is very mean green bean"

by kaaiseh June 12, 2023


Angel is a name thats given to people that look like prince charming from afar and act like their and ANGEL in their personality but they're actually the meanest people you will meet. They don't know how to decide for themselves to whats right and wrong. They'll always look for the majority EVEN if its wrong. PEER PRESSURE BRO. Even though ANGELS are mean they are actually just dying inside because they're just trying to fit in. If you ever find an Angel tell them that they can be who they want and not just follow everyone else because in the end any of the things the people are thinking or saying to each other won't even be in their lives when they're a millionaire.

Random Person: I just met an ANGEL, not an actual ANGEL but a person with the name ANGEL, they did something CRAZY and everyone JUDGED them! :(
BUT the ANGEL didn't even care!

Another Random Person: OMG!! They're gonna grow up to become a MILLIONAIRE BRO!!

by urmomfromanotherthong February 19, 2022


Angel is a one of a kind person who is Always caring for others. Don’t mess with an Angel because once you fight them they don’t back down and they always get right back up no matter how many times they’ve been pushed down. Angel likes to spread peace,hope,love to everyone they come across and their very friendly. All an Angel ever wants is to show people a good future. Angels have special little ways to show their love and affections for others. Angels are great at love,friendship,trust,personality. All angels on earth are kind people who are just searching for a life of their own while helping others become happy, they can’t bare to see someone be sad so they will jump right into action when they need to. Always love your Angel and don’t ever let them go.

Girl:*cries* I can’t believe all these boys did this to me their so terrible I just wanna kill myself ;-;
Angel:*hugs with a smile* there might be pain in this universe but as long as there is pain there is love too :)

by Pendulum master November 22, 2021


Angel is the most chill guy you'll ever meet. He can light up a room with one smile, and crack it up with a cheesy one liner. He can be your best friend and worst enemy. He is one of the nicest guys ever (With a little sexy side, with a gentlemen-like conduct you don't see anymore. He is very self conscious at times, and always has closed doors. it takes awhile to be trusted by him, but when you are, it's worth it. He is fiercely loyal to his loved ones, especially his girl. He is a love magnet, and some girls tease his about wanting him. He can be VERY over protective at times, and also very aggressive. If you are friends with one, keep it that way. Your'e real lucky ;)

Angel: Hey babe, how was your day?
(Unknown): Awful.
Angel: Come here, I'll make it better.
(Unknown): Thanks bae ;)

Friend: *Crashes bike*
Angel: YO! You good??
Friend: I fucked up my leg.
Angel: C'mere man, I gotchu.
Angel: That crash was epic my guy. Last time I did that, everyone at the funeral looked at me hella weird.

by yah yah yah yah YEET June 19, 2020


Angel is the most precious person you will ever meet. He will never make you feel bad about yourself. He will always make sure your ok. No matter what goes on in life he will never stop loving you. I promise you he will forever keep you in your heart and always talk about you. Never let him down or hurt him.


by leinaliamelia November 16, 2020