when a guy's penis is so small that when he has an erection you will not be able to see any type of bulge going on unless he is fully naked and even that's barely visible. this man looks as if a 5 year old's penis was attached to man.
Hey, did you see that guy in the locker room? he had an invisible boner going on!
Feeling when you are really sad about something, however, your body still have place for a boner, but it feels different than a regular boner, its just like the power of sadness is in there in your cock, it's a Sad Boner.
I was really down for my wife cheating on me, but then some porn appeared on my newsfeed and man, I had such a Sad Boner.
The person that reports your boner to a teacher, officials, authority figure etc.
Krystle told her teacher that Rainier was trying to hide his boner, after bumping into her in P.E class. So he called her a boner snitch.
Sexual arousal broth on by the though of chaos
“Have you seen what's going on at Echo Park?”
“I saw it on the news and got a chaos boner.”
When A Male Only Physically Needs Just Enough Attention And Sexual Action From A Female To Get To The Peak Of His Boner.
"No Baby I Don't Want Sex, I Just Need Some Boner Activation."
The little man on the boat has a boat boner.
My girlfriend got a boat boner from watching The Notebook.
To force a man to achieve an erection, whether through immense attractiveness or unwanted physical contact.
"I took one look at Kellie and, well, it was Boner Checkmate."