The term used to described a Caucasian woman's flat, white butt.
"Damn, look at them cracker patties!" "I need to do more squats because I have cracker patties."
A racist and heterophobic slur used by black and fag people. The opposite of the Idddubz paper of Nigger Faggot.
Oh look, a single piece of paper that says Cracker Breeder!
A Female Trump Supporter from the greater Pacific Northwest.
That Trump rally today will be Filthy with Clam Crackers in Bremerton.
What white people should call other whites and any other race is not allowed to say it because only blacks can use the word “nigga”
Cracker/cracka “yo what’s up my cracker” “nothin much wbu my cracka”
A black man that loves to be with only white women and can’t see himself dating or mixing with any other race.
Black men’s kryptonite dating only white women.
Also a black man’s way to be secured financial.
DEFINITION: a black man that only dates white women.
Did you hear about what’s his name. ? He’s cracker stacker to his list of women.
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An endearing term for Donald Trump.
Ayo did you hear Cracker Captain is finally getting kicked out of office!!?!?
A very idiotic person normally charactorized as a dumbass or retard. Not smart or bright. They tend to make a butt load of mistakes all the freaking time. Or they don't do want you want.
John- Dude, hand me that soda.
Kyle- No i'm too lazy.
John- You f**king bun cracker.