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While living a Human has endless possibilities (of what is considered luxury) but when the saying of Death brings New Life the amount of "pain" they feel from passing away is why Humans Live Luxurious because when a Original-Human takes into the After-Life Their body may die but in death brings life so 400,000(thousands) Nerve Endings Spring to Life. The feeling of anything that touches the body causes so much Pain that even a Titan (ex. Atlas) thinks they're evil because of the Real-Pain that inflicts(not neccassirly for eternity either but for a period of time that makes it unbearable for a new born to be brought back into life with the memories) of what made Original-Humans of us deserving of such a "Pampered" life and why even such things as Demons respect our pain in the afterlife because unless one is born with such "Fear" of Death but no reason why it remembers the "Fear" can only remain its Sanity if one wasn't in existence when the period before the Deities were known for having a physical form (which is when they are known as a color, not a admirable figure that is to be worshipped) would make living not as something that would sought out to be Reality.

Man, I'm sorta glad that when I am living and as a Original-Human as that of which I am only to feel those sweet vibrations that make me warm and snuggly enough to fall asleep all Day. I sought out my Past-Life to see who I was. Remembered that Original-Human has not existed long enough for any of us to have one unless they were a mammal of some kind that has lived with the Earth as well and I had a brief memory of the pain I had inflicted when I died and my nerve endings came to life. Thank God the Pain I felt was from my own accidental pain and that even the machines/demons or whatever they were knew that the pain was so severe that I had the balls to be granted life again not of pity but because they could hear Heaven crying because God thinks that even that was a fucked up day when he heard the pain that makes Diablo think Original-Humans are evil when they were created to make a taste of his medecine.

by Original_Pain November 10, 2022

Human Unit

A wig or weave made from human hair. Usually used be people in the drag scene

Willam: And that's why you wear a human unit so it can do the Shakeout thing at the back gurl.

by Punkerella January 21, 2023

human lance

When you are boning a chick real deep and it gets so far into her snatch that it pops a cervical cyst and oozes everywhere

Dude this hot chick was going to have to go to the gynaecologist for a cervical cyst but she didn’t have the ready cash for the doctor bill so she came over to chill at the crib to get the human lance

by Dingothegreat April 23, 2023

Human Pogostick

When a mom reverse cowgirls her husband while throwing her baby up and down to soothe it.

Hey Mary! Timmy is crying I think it is human pogostick time.

by Muntingmaster69 December 3, 2024

Human Sized Sloth

A human sized sloth (HSS) is a large, slow mammal that are becoming a plague on our nations urban centers for their inability to cross crosswalks before the light changes, thus leading to tragic accidents and people being late to class.
Human size sloth could also refer to an incredibly adorable human dressed in an equally adorable sloth costume (with or without sombrero). They are largely found in the Ann Arbor, Michigan area, but are believed to have originated in one of the surrounding states.

How many human sized sloths have to die before the campus finally installs pedestrian over passes?! They're just not fast enough!

by pesuedonando October 17, 2015

human roulette

When 5 or more men of different races cum in a jar and then inject the semen into the a female's pussy, thus not knowing who is the father and race.

Hey man you going to the game on Saturday?
- Nah man I gotta do a human roulette that day.

by wakeup_julian September 24, 2020

Human Beanbag

When someone is morbidly obese. Making them look like a fleshy beanbag.

That boy was so fat, he looked like a human beanbag!

by Chocolate Monkey69 July 12, 2018