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Internet syndrom

When you can't find the content your looking for on the internet and/or your freedom of thought is disrespected

Hey dude, what's wrong?

I have internet syndrome

by Monty.... November 16, 2021

no internet connection

the thing that pops up on your phone when your parents found out you've been watching Porn

No internet connection? time to talk to your parents t('-'t)

by Dying_Fish t('-'t) July 29, 2017

Internet Goblin

A person who spends way too much time on the internet. These people usually spend internet time browsing social medias like Reddit, Instagram, Tik Tok .(etc.)

Fred does not have any friends because an Internet Goblin

by Dark_Shark925 January 31, 2024

Internet Goblin

A person who spends most of their time using the internet with malicious intent.

Fred does not have many friends because he is an internet goblin.

by Dark_Shark925 January 15, 2024

Internet Pimpery

Oh, really? What's unforgivable about it? What SPECIFICALLY... Is unforgivable about it? Does that apply across the gambit? Like, Onlyfans? Porn Hub? About about Sports illustrated? Does it not exploit women's sexuality? What about Hollywood? Does it not exploit women's sexuality? Where exactly is the line there? He used his fat cock for evil instead of good! He should have just fucked all of the women and THEN made one of them his sister and fucked a baby into her.

Hym "What exactly is unforgivable about internet pimpery? Be specific. And even being an incel is better then being a fucking crybaby therapist charlatan who has a mental breakdown and becomes a literal fascist after a failed suicide attempt."

by Hym Iam March 2, 2024

Internet Shrapnel

Internet shrapnel is a term used to describe the negative side effects and/or backlash someone or something gets for "Blowing up" on the internet

Guy 1: hey, you ever hear about "Gaseous_assesous" getting really popular over night by posting minecraft videos?

Guy 2: yeah, seems like there was lot of Internet shrapnel. They're calling him racial slurs and saying that his content was an effortless fluke, that doesn't deserve the attention.

Guy 1: Happens all the time

by Norrabal March 31, 2022

internet noise

Meaningless posts to the internet that seem to serve no purpose. Often found on social media, pop-culture journalism sites, and YouTube.
This noise can drown out the content the user actually wants to consume.

I had some time to kill so I went on YouTube, but I couldn't find a good video through all the internet noise.

by Communist bloc party November 24, 2020