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Panic Shitting

When one feels the sudden urge to shit due to the fear of not being able to shit. When one is confined to a small area or being trapped in an area where there is no toilet and as a result gets nervous/has an anxiety attack and has the sudden urge to shit.

Can happen in cars, buses, trams and trains...anywhere that one can not use the facilities.

"Are you ok man?"

"Nah mate, my panic shitting is flaring up again"


That guy has a classic case of the panic shits

by cricketfanbb3/6 December 27, 2011

flicking shit

Talking crap to or about someone.

Kayla was flicking shit to John because he was being a dick.

by Inluvwithluv May 5, 2016

Shit cunt

Opposite of a sick cunt. A shit cunt is someone who is the absolute living scum of the earth; someone you would gladly push in front of a train without even being paid. A shit cunt can be anyone from that one prick who's always scabs the last chip to Dazza from up the street who comes around uninvited every friday arvo and gets piss drunk on all you beer before passing out on your bed and all the way down to the cunts who set up your entire class to fail an exam because they aren't capable of doing better than anyone else, they're all shit cunts

Person 1: I can't believe half the legal class failed the exam what a joke
Person 2: yeah it's because these two fuckwits put up all the wrong notes on the FB chat so everyone else would fail.
Person 1: what a pair of shit cunts

by NuggBorger June 16, 2018

Shit ping

A shit ping is when you ping/@ing someone on discord and saying nothing or saying something dumb like "monke" though this seems to not work in memes channels


"Hey shit ping *bans"

by Poggers 69 March 20, 2021

Shit the sheets

A phrase used when you fuck up pretty badly. There is no going back when you shit the sheets; everything smells and the sheets are ruined, which is a complete metaphor for your life after you shit the sheets. After shitting the sheets, you have to walk around with shame, or “mud butt” due to the incident.

Rae: “Yo bro, I just shit the sheets. Hard.”

Allie:” NO! What happened?!”

Rae: “I tried to shake a blind person’s hand...”

Allie:” Yo... you definitely shit the sheets”

by Rae$ January 11, 2020

Rum Shits

When you drink all night and you wake up having to run to the toilet due to the poo explosion that is about to happen.

Samantha had drank to much rum last night and the next morning she had the rum shits

by safetysamuel November 21, 2016

shit fritter

A modestly sized clump of crap or some insignificant little twat who has the impact of such

Whatever you say, shit fritter.

by Coco Duprie October 9, 2008

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