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Lol haha

by Ramdomererers June 11, 2019


Something as a reavtion of humor

Haha idk lol

by nicole star March 14, 2017


(LOL )means when something is funny or you are amazed about a specimen

Lol , this is sick

by d.stefura1@kelvinhall.net May 1, 2018


1) laugh out loud
2)little overgrown loser

3)lucky orange(hair) lamo

1) lol hahahaha
2) that kid is lol
3) that lol is so lucky

by Chungy boy April 10, 2019


Stands for Laughing Out Loud.Your not actually laughing out loud tho

Damn dude that was so funny lol

by M!m!678 July 12, 2022


LOL is a short way to say Laugh Out Loud

"Hey so fun at the party" "LOL"

by purple craze May 24, 2015


later that night, she was running down a dark alley. I couldn’t help but chase her with the knife i had stole from my grandma. I noticed that she started to run faster. and constantly looked back. I took this as a sign of her telling me to keep up, I liked her a lot so i thought this wouldve been my chance to smash. She started getting faster, I found it hard to keep up. I noticed that she was screaming “HELP!” “HELP!” “THERES A WHITE MAN WITH A KNIFE CHASING ME!”.
I got scared because that man must’ve been chasing me aswell. So I ran faster and faster.

jack: poopie poopie poopie

charlie: LOL

by gayracoonfromgrovestreet January 9, 2022