Rage in women that stems from being so bottled up 24/7 because as a woman you’re expected to sit there and take it, so much rage that it expels out viciously, loudly and violently.
*The loudest screech of the most deserved obscenity towards anyone or anything that is just too much to deal with (female rage)*
This is when you are in a hurry at any store, and an old person is in line in front of you in line is moving super slow.
Ofter times they insist on using coupons, and paying with a checkbook.
I was in a total age rage, when the old lady insisted on buying one banana with a coupon, and paying with her checkbook.
The instant anger that comes with dealing with older people who just don't seem to understand technology.
Adrian took a call from an elderly gentleman he had dropped his laptop down the stairs, and now it wouldnt turn on. He flew into such an age-rage.
Rage when your over the top drunk mix between Georgie words
Did you see Mel she’s on a pure rage tonight
What little 6 years olds do when their Roblox crashes
Person 1: Man my brother loves to rage
Person 2:looks like he takes after you
Person 1:shut you god damn KFC hole
A state of Anger where someone wants to smash something often portrayed commonly with gamers.
The Gamer Has Rage and smashed his 69$ mouse.