A connection to a person so strong nothing can break it.
Lancer: Hey, wanna be an Evil Team?
Susie: Sure.
a group of roblox crackheads that beam and comp accounts because they are pussies and cant buy the limiteds themself
beamed by the fusion team
The best team on the face of the earth, they are much better than the shitty C team. They have the best athletes on the face of the earth.
WOW The 'B' Team are much better than the 'C' team.
A group of takuaches with lifted ass rigs that make your girlfriend and her moms panties drop on a dime.
Is that Team Dapper?
Yeah bro last week the president took my girl and her mom and railed her
possibly the funniest movie out
we are the jamaica bobsleigh team
I group of white people that don’t wear their mask out in public.
Eww theirs a g team over there
I wish they didn’t exist
All time best Time Crisis 5 players in the goddamn universe. At least when it's free to play.
I want to play Time Crisis 5, but Team POODIK has taken up this machine for hours!