Everyone's estranged uncle who likes to cleverly touch his adolescent nieces where he probably shouldn't, usually in the form of a seemingly innocent pat on the ass or thigh.
"You going to Miley's 15th birthday party?"
"Hell no-uncle Spanky will be there."
A person who works against their own people or knowingly allows themselves to be used as a tool by enemies who are working against people like themselves. Similar concepts include coon, sambo, house n word, house slave, etc. A portmanteau of Uncle Tom, Uncle Ruckus and Cuck. A slave who rats the plan to flee/revolt to massa for some hot biscuits.
"Who wins the Uncle Cuckus Award between Clarence Thomas, Clandace Owens, Larry Elder, Tim Scott, Byron Donald's Cuck, Vivek Ramapickme, Nikki Haley, Ben Shapiro, David Rubin, Caitlyn Jenner or the black gay guy who got kicked out of the maGA gathering & still blew maGA like they're not gonna force him to marry a woman?"
"Poor rural white dummies."
"Now if you'll notice the definition, it says people who Knowingly are tools for their enemies against themselves."
"Then Dave Chappelle."
"AH! Forgot about him. Touché."
Family members with shifty eyes and overly friendly hugs who discover their affectionate side when their cousins and nieces buy their first training bra.
Whereas flirtatious grandpas are usually written off as being harmless, Twister Uncles sometimes require a tongue-lashing from Cousin Willy.
An Arab working for the white man.
Another way to please white man , basically another (Uncle Tom) in the Arab version.
He would please the white man to get the job done and in return he will rewarded (by getting alcohol and white women if he is lucky )
Will do anything to be part of the white race.
He will sellout to his own tribe and other Arabs .
If another Arab befriend his white man , he will find ways to ruin his reputation. I.E. (backstab, create false rumors to earn the trust to the white man)
White Man:
Uncle Ali , please get pipe connected correctly, you won’t get the booze or hang out with my white friends
Uncle Ali:
Yes Sir , inshallah it will done in 5 mins
Having a pen or other projectile thrown at your eye region. It is common place for the word bitch to follow uncle gussed.
Brandon: "Can you pass me a pen"?
(Jamie throws pen at Brandon)
Jamie: "You have been Uncle Gussed, Bitch"!
It’s when your Indian uncle grabs your cock and chafes the tip of it on him beard stubble
Hey man I heard Liam was giving Indian uncle burn to his nephew the other night
A highly secretive and completely forbidden wrestling move whereby a grappler pins an opponent on their back, peeks back their singlet and then bends them in such a way as to force the opponent to fellate themselves to completion.
Should this move is ever actually be successfully accomplished, Dan Gable, a two-time NCAA Division I national champion, a world gold medalist, and an Olympic gold medalist, gets a hotline phone call and that’s the end of wrestling as a sport. Everywhere.
“Are you going to the big wrestling match?”
“You bet! I sure hope nobody pulls a Cream Uncle tonight.”