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Anime are japanese cartoons, made in Japan ( ofc ).

X - Hey, what's Anime?
Y - Anime are japanese cartoons.
X - Oh, thanks!
Y - You're welcome

by sefunight September 19, 2022


Anime is a short term of Animation. Anime is japanese animations.

Don't refer Anime as cartoons. Or there will be a huge uproar or nothing. No one will pay attention to you or someone will kill you.

Someone irrelevant: U watch cartoons?
Weebs: It's not cartoons it's an anime.
Someone irrelevant: It's cartoons!
Weebs: May your soul perished and never ever be seen and find it's way back again, Latom.

by jUicy🥴✨️ May 14, 2022


A very popular show that people apperantly call a cartoon,idk what thats about.its definitely not a cartoon😒

Weirdo:hahaha u watch anime?!thats a cartoon!
Me:no its not u son of -

by stfu.girl May 23, 2021


a Japanese animation ya and stuff

person 1: hey bitch you watch ANIME gross moron

person 2 : I want you to go drown urself

by oopdoop January 2, 2021


Anime is the best thing in the world,90% of people on earth watch it

« I like anime so much ! » « Do you watch animé ? »

by Kam- kun April 15, 2021


your mom

anime is good to watch but anyways your mom

by hghgrjhbj October 28, 2021


An animated type of tv show or movie that is mostly from japanese people. Including naruto, deathnote, hunter x hunter, host club, and soul eater. With genres that include fighting, comedy, romance, and more

girl: do you watch the anime Naruto?
boy: yes i enjoy it

by spoonofrice March 29, 2022