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fake friends

she’s snitches on you she’s a lier she’s mean she blames everything on somebody she don’t know how to keep her mouth shut if her name starts with a d and she is also a hot Cheeto girl and likes to steal friends

fake friends yah that’s me dimmori how you doing I just try to steal your bsf!

by fake friends period April 2, 2020

Fake friend

Someone who hangs around you and puts on an act and they won’t say the things they don’t give advice to you to change yourself or don’t tell you what they don’t like about you

I thought Xavier was my friend but he wasn’t he never told me what he didn’t like about me or how could I change myself and if you know somebody that you think is your friend but they don’t do anything to tell you to better yourself then their fake friends

by Hot Nigger March 16, 2021

Fake friend

Every friend I've ever had I'm the 18 years I've lived until I met new people in college who I can be myself around

I've finally got real friends and ditched the fake friends

by Eddie the Head November 8, 2022

Fake friends

Fake friends are something you do not want to have! They will seriously hurt you. They get mad when you hang out with other people. They leave you whenever you have a problem. And they ALWAYS talk shit behind your back. If you see anyone being fake ditch them!

Person 1: “Did you hear that Blanket is talking bad about spoon!”
Person 2: “I thought they were best friends”
Person 1: “Wow she must be a fake friends

by You left me December 8, 2018

fake friend

stupid pieces of shit that only talk to you when they need something from you or have no one else to talk to

Brad is a fake friend, he asked me for homework answers last night when he never gives me his

by 1anonbj January 13, 2025

Fake Friends

Fake friends are people who show there true colors just like the person that starts with a b and a girl that starts with an a

Omg your such a fake friends now i see your true colors

by butcheeck September 24, 2019

fake friends

the fakes thing that is around, and its faker than Kim Kardashian boobs

Wellll those girls over there are fake friends and faker than the Kardashian boobs

by KloKLe February 8, 2021