Sorry but I am really drunk right now. The Jim Beam apple cider. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA making me drunk.
I’m drunk and I apologize but I got into the bourbon and I could not help myself
Someone who drinks and gets sleepy soon after.
Maigge was dizzy drunk last night that we had to grab an Uber to put her to bed .
when 2 or more girls are at a sleepover and make bad decisions at night
oh we sent that text last night when we were sleepover drunk
Basically saying you are willing to partake in something stupid if you are intoxicated enough to do so.
Guy 1:"Hey you wanna listen to Cardi B's New album with me?"
Guy 2: "If im drunk enough..."
To get so drunk while on a river that you fall in. Must be followed by a shit show of a night and an all around horrible camping trip.
Man, we all got way too River Drunk Saturday.
already a piece of shit but add alcohol and you have the drunk teenager, it is a fascinating yet hostile creature.
a drunk teenager who had seemed to alcohol up an hour before fell down the stairs to a tragic death.
When you are drinking and your hair instantly becomes messed up
Oh no walker is family guy drunk again
Amy J is family guy drunk