The best Scottish musician ever.
Honestly, no one on this site knows who Sammy G is so I just decided to make a definition out of boredom (obviously)
sam gellaitry is awesome
It’s all about the mets baby cmon baby get a home run baby love the mets baby love the mets
The Subbiest subby wubby goth girl gf with huge mommy milkers and big bitty. Will ask to be gentle but doesent mean it. Is a fan of urethra play and genital flogging.
-Bro did u see that girl at school today?
-Yea man she def a Sam Cass u jus know she wants it dirty
nathan loves sam more and thats a fact.
nathan loves sam more an thats scientifically proven
A scenario in which 2 buttholes are available. You then use one for a pocket and one for normal operation's. Your pocket should be held in with a butt plug(obviously)
Friend 1: Fuck where am I gunna put my shmeckles?
Friend 2: Just go with ‘option Sam’ gurl