1. The husband of one's grandparent's sibling's daughter.
2. The son of one's grandparent-in-law's sibling.
My cousin-uncle-in-law is a good person.
A legendary giant ten by ten barrel of sloppy donkey cocks that tells other people to live in other countries while simultaneously guzzling the cum from his cousins and ramming his dick into beavers fanooter while waving his shot gun around screaming america great again daddy trump
Wow I didn't know you minimized the struggle of african americans because your a racist your such a dirty uncle jay.
Bala bharat uncle is celebrity of telugu twitter. And soon he is turning 100. So the whole world is eagerly waiting to wish him and celebrate this milestone like never before.
We can see the flexes worldwide, that will tell you how eagerly his followers are waiting.
Most of them urging him to not to rag on twitter.
Bharat uncle e kingu kingu
A uncle suit is a sweatsuit / tracksuit. But it’s more baggy and slouchy. The most important thing about an uncle suit is the top and bottom matches. Uncle suits can be made out of silk, cashmere, cotton, spandex, or anything as long as the top and bottom matches.
Person 1: “that’ a sexy uncle suit you got on!”
Person 2: “Thanks its monrow”
The speaker is so certain of a claim that if he is wrong, he will allow a negro to inseminate his sister.
If I can’t finish this keg stand, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle.
Nickname for The Police like pig or 12 most commonly used in Sweden.
Always watch out for uncle blue.
Its the cool uncle , the cool cat, the fonz! the one thats single but all the nephews and nieces love him. He always brings a different girl to the parties and holidays. He’s always late to parties but as soon as he walks in the party gets lit. Usually wears a jean jacket with rolled up sleeves to show off his tattoos and 1001 bead bracelets. Always has a beard and mean demeanour look. Usually a chain smoker and scotch/soda to top it off.
Oh my god! UNCLE BRO IS HERE! The kids are gonna get lit!
OMG! Have you met my uncle bro? Hes a cool cat! When i become a uncle i want to be exactly like him.
Mommy!daddy! When i grow up, i want to be an uncle bro!