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The polony of the Meat World

Most people know that polony is really nasty and is totally inferior to all other meats so therefore it is a degrading term.

John- Did you see that loser???
Adam- Yea, he's the polony of the meat world!

by xXJessXx March 11, 2007

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

United Countries of the World

Something that could happen in the future. The United States of America would become The United Countries of the World and it would become the world nation. Antarctica would just become one country owned by the United Countries of the World. There would be no more war.

Imagine what would happen if the United States of America turned into the United Countries of the World.

by David December 8, 2003

14πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

rocks my world

an expression of approval or an external compliment of something/someone. Used predominantly by females or homosexuals to express fondness. This phrase should never be said by a girl who is trying to impress a straight guy.

Justin Timberlake totally rocks my world, he is so hot. - My (ex)girlfriend.

by T-bone February 28, 2005

34πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž

The best band in the world

See Nirvana and/or Kurt Cobain

Yeah i know Kurt isnt a band but he was in the nirvana.

The Offspring is ok, but Nirvana can never be equalled!

by Ka July 17, 2004

127πŸ‘ 361πŸ‘Ž

World Youth Day

An international congregation of young Catholics, which takes place approximately every 1-3 years. Each event is visited by hundreds of thousands (and even millions) of obnoxious pilgrims, who (in the spirit of the Catholic Church, nay! in the spirit of religion in general) flock to their holy destinations, adopting a downright ignorant and therefore religiously hypocritical stance to the ever-so-obvious problems faced by so many others back in their mother countries. With countries such as Brazil and Mexico, which evidently face hunger problems, as well as various African countries whose HIV/AIDS disasters can be directly attributed to the Catholic church's fascistic stranglehold on both their governments and people, millions of tax-payer dollars is seen poured directly into funding this money-making scandal.

World Youth Day is a twenty-first century money-making scandal and should not be attended by anybody with the most miniscule sense of social equality.

by pens nizzle July 26, 2008

14πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Brave New World

(noun.) Brave New World – One of the first New Jersey surf shop(s) established in 1976 by pioneer East Coast Surfer Bill Lammers. Located in Point Pleasant Beach NJ. β€œBrave New World Surf and Ski” has been the leading retailer of surfboards, snowboards, skateboards and related fashions eventually expanding to three locations with additional locations in Toms River & Little Silver NJ.

Synonyms: Brave, BNW, Brave New Macys,

(fact. 1) The Point Pleasant location is one of the largest surf shops in the USA with over 16000sqft of retail floor space and BNW is the largest single purchaser of surfboards in the USA buying more than 1000 surfboards a year for resale in their stores!

(fact. 2) Brave New World was one of the first retailer sellers on snowboards offering them for sale along side ski equipment in the 1980’s

(fact. 3) Brave New World offers a free surf webcam on their website www.bravesurf.com

Lets stop at Brave on the way to the beach to buy some surf wax!

by Uglyfredy January 17, 2005

34πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž

World War II

The sequel to World War I

1. An overrated massive war you've probably heard about a trillion times (because it was the last justified war in the Western world, unlike Vietnam, Falklands, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.) between various countries, particularly the Allies vs Axis powers, the most popular contendants are USA, UK, Russia, France, Germany and Japan, but seemingly people forget Canada, Australia, China, etc.
It occured between 1939 and 1945 (not 1941-1945, contrary to what the United States Education System says, just because USA entered the war then).

2. A war in many First Person Shooter games where one person (usually American) singlehandedly defeats an entire German Army and the wins the war.

You're always told to thank World War II veterans (who themselves just want to chill and forget about the war) that you can speak, write, speak English, read, shit freely etc. despite the fact WWII ended 65 years ago and the world has moved on. I do not care if some crazy Austrian-German man in the 1930's wanted to conquer the world and exterminate retards and jews, hasn't many countries such as Britain did that like 100 times already? Isn't USA doing that now by killing the world with its mass produced McDonalds resteraunts making everyone obese and shitty cars that break down easily, or cheaply made Xbox 360 consoles that blow up in your face, oh and lets not forget dawdling their dick in Iraq in some attempt to take their oil and force a flawed "democracy" down their neck?

by kfjklshgjkdsfghldsghdkjfghdkjg November 8, 2009

19πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž