Urban Dictionary Names are usually Definitions written by people, usually who have the name or are partnered with someone with the name stated in the definition, using a bunch of good buzzwords that they can think of, usually to feel better about their name.
UD user: Hmm, I heard the word "Jezebel" today used in a derogatory fashion so maybe i should look it up on urban dictionary.
UD user named Jezebel or the partner of someone named Jezebel: Jezebel is a girl who surpasses all girls. She is beautiful, smart, and caring. She can also be loyal, kind, and trustworthy. She will always listen no matter what is going on in her own life. She gives great advice. She is a sensitive person. Above all else, her personality is incomparable to any other. Jezebel is amazing.
UD user: I guess it's pointless to search up a Urban Dictionary Name
The phenomenon where people take urban dictionary words seriously, when in reality, anyone can put anything on this site.
"Woah, I didn't know that word meant something so weird."
"Chillll Erica, your falling for the Urban Dictionary Effect."
There is a lot of words by Urban Dictionary
When you spend 420 hours on urban dictionary and can only speak in definitions
Guy 1: woah look at guy 2
Guy 2: aaaaaa March 12th the most beautiful aaaaaa potetic person aaaa was born aaaaaa
Guy 3: yup he's definitely turned into a urban dictionary zombie
The action of copying someone else's already unoriginal idea and roasting someone via an urban dictionary definition
Come on man that's the 5th urban dictionary roast this week man, its getting out of hand.
Douchebags that reject every definition I write but will probably publish this one because they're dumb fags and publish gay definitions.
"The urban dictionary publishers rejected my definition again."
Someone who uses the urban dictionary to find out the meaning of NSFW or CURSE words.
They usually doesn't have an older sibling and don't understand the definition on the Merriam-Webster
These type of people believe that the urban dict is a reliable source of information.
John- Bro do you know what a hickey is? I would search it up myself but then I'd be a Urban-Dictionary Abuser
Joe- Sorry bro can't help you out.