The hidden art of being a complete asshole.
1#: You dude did you see what he did?
2#: A classic case of Assholism
It is a comparative degree to measure how big of an asshole a person is
Sentence 1- the level of Kate's assholism is higher than that of Ken's
Sentence 2- on the assholism scale, I would give you a 6
May I have a piece of that gentle asshole of yours? thanks !
Kinteic ASshole enegry is when peoplea re being such d*cks and assholes that they began to gane enegry from it and they keep become more like an asshole the more they breath
"He had a ton of Kinteic ASshole Enegry"
"They began to gang a lot of asshole Kinteic Enegry and their bullshit grew"
Your buttcheeks are so spread apart that your ass hole flat
Brittian you have a flat asshole
An uppercut only mastered by the dunk.
He used an Asshole Tax to break his jaw.