When you check if someone is Habubobu and say "Habubobu check" before saying something about someone.
a.Habubobu checkkk, oh dang ok you're habubobu
b. habubobu check ...something.....
Habubobu check Judah has no neck.
You delinquently lift up the clitoral hood then proceed to aggressively lick the pussy until she squirts.
I was checking the oil on your mom last night.
In football when while in the dog pile you grab and twist and/or rip, someone's dick on the opposite team.
I don't know why they're so mad coach all I did was check their oil ( i.e. checking the oil).
When another man points out a piece of food and/or thick sauce on another mans face. Usually around the lips.
Alex walks in with a bit of ranch on his lips
Bill, "Sperm Check."
*Alex quickly wipes ranch from lips*
You need to check your cash app
Check your cash app check it
1.Not knowing what a phrase/ebonics word/ or abreviation means and having to look it up.
2.Quickly looking up a word to see what "modern" definition is.
3.Bored and trying to find new words to use.
1.Aim Convo:
Male: Yeah and I just broke up with my girl.. Im not sure if I want to get into another relationship..
Female:Do you want to be my FWB?
Male: Im gunna go check the urb.. (Searchs fwb and finds "Friends With Benefits)
Male: Now your speaking my language!
2.What is a Mozilla FireFox Godzillas cousin? (checks the urb)Ohh apparently its "The bestest browser ever".
3.(While Bored, Guy decides to Check the Urb) Hmm Word of the day, "jackass of all trades" Nice I'm definitely gunna try and use that word in a convo today.