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the deep end

a situation in which a person must face a difficult problem or undertaking with little or no preparation or prior experience.

"they're thrown in the deep end and have to develop skills quickly"

by Arminkshipper August 9, 2024

Deep Gras

An expression used exclusively by people NOT originally from New Orleans to describe the five days leading up to Mardi Gras day.

“We in Deep Gras y’all

by Notchamamasgumbo February 16, 2023

Deep Tip

When the tip of the penis is inserted into the vagina, or ass, balls deep.

She want that deep tip!

by Deeptipboyz November 29, 2020

Deep Breath

The act of breathing heavily or strongly. Could also be used to describe an overweight person.

Take a deep breath for me.”

“They are built like a deep breath.”

by Dinglebooper December 19, 2023

Sixth knuckle deep

Puting you arm past the elbow inside somebody

Im gonna fist you so hard I'm going sixth knuckle deep!

by Not_worth_it June 13, 2020

Deep dish douche club

The deep dish douche club is a group of BRO’S who run the jacked up trucks that are squatted with the lit up deep dish wheels on them.

Wow broham was the queen of the deep dish douche club right there.

by Dull clan June 23, 2021