When you are really weird and scream something useless in the middle of a target or a shoprite or a whole foods or any public thing at all. Like literally every time I go to a store someone does this xD
1: Lick The Eat The Baby
2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20, And everyone else in the store: WHO TF SAID LICK THE EAT THE BABY?!?!?
When you shit and the water splashes up and touches your balls
So Jordyn at 1 o'clock in the morning decides to take a shit, so he plants his ass on the toilet and takes a poop, and a Neptune's Lick happens
A cold gust of wind up your ass crack
Feel that? I just got a banshee's lick
Basically when you literally lick a match but your best friend's gf thought it was a euphemism for licking a tit. So now it's a euphemism for licking tit
"I was licking matches with jenny last night"
"Ew omg gross"
"No as in literally licking matches"
"Oh okay. Still gross tho"
A dance where you drop your pelvis to the ground, drag it across the floor, while bowling and wearing a beret; celebrating the whole time.
I got a strike and French Licked after twerking.
when you like to watch kids shows too much
Cheryl watches too much Bluey. She's a mother fucking lick screwdriver.