A guy with a swollen head, or a the common jock. Also a man with no neck. The face, and chest meld together like chopmeat, there fore he is a meat head. Also a guy who works out to much, and has a disgustingly thick neck.
22đź‘Ť 30đź‘Ž
The act of beating your partner until they have sex with you.
Sarah wasn't in the mood so Tom had to Tenderize the Meat.
12đź‘Ť 15đź‘Ž
One who stares at a male's genitals.
Its origin may have come from the Cayman Islands from the legendary Richard Le Noir.
"Quitt" looking at my cock, you meat gazer
12đź‘Ť 14đź‘Ž
The meat curtain is often found with fur, hair or stubble - on rare occassions the nude silky smooth meat curtain can be found. The silky smooth meat curtain is more common in Brazil. Like all meat it should be cleaned before eating and best served tender moist and hot.
From a 70's Aussie Film Classic - set in Alice Springs - In the throws of passion Madge cries out 'part my meat curtains Gavin'
42đź‘Ť 65đź‘Ž
A name of a terrible boy who needs help... Lots and lots of mental help
That boy is solving meat
A meat flower is a tittle/breast but more complicated
Women: shit dude my meat flowers are so sore
Other Women: Same, but hey atleast we have meat flowers unlike that chick over there.
Tominator’s Paramount Physique Fitness Coaching’s name for a nasty Leg Day gym session at the Brickhouse gym.
MEAT ROCKETS: A nasty Leg day workout.
What’s going on family!!! Just outside the Brickhouse Gym!!!! And it’s MEAT ROCKET day!!! “Slapping sounds as I slap my thighs” It’s going to be nasty AF!!