lol means laugh out loud as in your laughing so it has the same definition of xd.
Lol means 😂, they both have the same meaning but it is now a milked term used by mainly the best meme pages on the instagram.
'Oh my god 😂 Lol that's so funny, Kai' He said after Kai's joke.
a word one of your fakest friends uses every time you say something they don’t find funny.
you: sends a funny tiktok
them: *doesn’t watch it* lol omg funny ash I’m dead🤣💀
Means laughing out loud, but I usually use it when I have no idea what to say when I am texting.
me: did you watch the new movie?
friend: No :/
me: oh, I watched it on netflix yesterday
friend: Cool!
me: lol
used for laughing when you what it to be shorter
your're gay lol (laugh out loud)