The act of being a know it all when in reality a person is full of shit.
Dude, did you know know Hitler really didnt kill anyone. It was actually all a conspiricy to hide the one true enemy, the italians.
Fuck that kid greg, that kid just pulled a Taylor The 5th
A thing that is very small compared to other people’s things/ PPs
Guy 1: I went to the store and got you some Taylor sized pens
Guy 2: what do you mean Taylor sized pens
Guy 1: they are only a cm long
A very beautiful girl with a hilarious personality
Do you know Sophie Taylor? Isn’t she amazing
When a person starts dating another person, says they are in love after a short while, breaks up with them shortly after, and continues to repeat the cycle. For reference see: Taylor Swift dating life.
Guy 1: Dude, Brent was in love with Becky last week and now he's saying she did him dirty and he's in love with Katy.
Guy 2: Bruh, Brent is Taylor Swifting.
Where a couple can't decide to stay together or break up for good, and go through the cycle of breaking up and getting back together in a matter of a few hours
They kept taylor swifting with each other for two weeks and it was driving everybody crazy.
When a woman does not get the man she believes she deserves with unrealistic expectations so she starts hating on every man and tells her friends and all women how terrible men are and warms them of consequences of being with men.
Taylor: "I told you not to go with that Nathan, he will ruin your life, it does not matter how good he is, he is a man and men will be men"
Karen: "really, but he loves me"
Taylor: "They all say they love you initially but then they change, we don't need men, we just need a squad."
Karen: " Ok, but this is sad, I am not doing taylor-swifting anymore, I love my man and everything he is to me."