Someone who uses the urban dictionary to find out the meaning of NSFW or CURSE words.
They usually doesn't have an older sibling and don't understand the definition on the Merriam-Webster
These type of people believe that the urban dict is a reliable source of information.
John- Bro do you know what a hickey is? I would search it up myself but then I'd be a Urban-Dictionary Abuser
Joe- Sorry bro can't help you out.
Basically what "lolo legs" wrote for the definition of "cum".
Why are there so many urban dictionary fanfics on this website????
the shop of this website idk why i created this new word lol
go to the urban dictionary shop now.
The Urban Dictionary Game
A game played by 2 or more players, usually at sleepovers. The game is best with more players and players of both sexes.
Friends will search one of their names on the Urban Dictionary and then using the first page of results only, the other people will choose the best description that best describes their friend. The person being searched does not have a say in the definition chosen.
In the event of no definition being accurate or there not being a definition altogether the friends will write a description which must include at least one reference to anticipated sexual performance.
James, Rebecca, Jessie, Ben, Greg, Lucy and Jasmine are playing the Urban Dictionary Game
They search 'Ben' and they might choose that 'the awesomeist' is the best description. Ben has no say in the description chosen
They will then lookup Rebecca and decide that
'sexy, beautiful, good at making out, fun, hyper, first love'
is the best description. Rebecca has no say in the description chosen.
For Jasmine the friends might decide no description is accurate and write one themselves.
It real is
Urban Dictionary is immature was awesome tonight.
Some words here on the Urban DIctionary make are pretty normal while some are just ones that people wrote to be funny.These stupid words contained here can just be made if you are bored out of your mind.Like this word I right now I am just bored out my fucking mind.
The Urban Dictionary Madness is truly some type of madness.
Urban Dictionary Names are usually Definitions written by people, usually who have the name or are partnered with someone with the name stated in the definition, using a bunch of good buzzwords that they can think of, usually to feel better about their name.
UD user: Hmm, I heard the word "Jezebel" today used in a derogatory fashion so maybe i should look it up on urban dictionary.
UD user named Jezebel or the partner of someone named Jezebel: Jezebel is a girl who surpasses all girls. She is beautiful, smart, and caring. She can also be loyal, kind, and trustworthy. She will always listen no matter what is going on in her own life. She gives great advice. She is a sensitive person. Above all else, her personality is incomparable to any other. Jezebel is amazing.
UD user: I guess it's pointless to search up a Urban Dictionary Name