Used as a noun, a dick, refers to any type of firearm. I.e. a pistol, AR, shotgun etc.
"I am legally required to inform I am strapped, please believe I always keep the dick on me"
"Talking a lot of shit for someone who dont got a dick"
A dick is another term for penis. It is in a male. Don't tell me you don't know that. Go watch porn not in the dictionary.
My dick went inside her vagina
another word for penis and can describe mean people and suck my cock
stop being such a dick! Hurry and suck my dick!
This is you
Peter writes this is you under the definition of dick
The cigar looking thing that varies in sizes on guys. Connected to another part of the genital area ballsack
Also it squirts this weird smelly milk stuff
"Hey stepson can I suck the juicy ass dick"