A small hole dug in the ground made by addicts to hide contraband, usually heroin.
“You seen the field?”
“Yeah, full of smack holes”
A-holes who are proud of the fact that their use of Android devices causes frustrating iPhone group chat issues. When called out, they defiantly bray about how they refuse to bow down to the Apple Gods and snicker at the iPhone sheeple in the group chat.
Damn, Chuck ruins every group chat and thinks it's funny. He's such a Droid-Hole.
a form of depression that occurs after a session of heavy alcohol consumption, usually around 75~200 beers in a weekend. Symptoms include a sense of dread, sending manic texts, and not wanting to record an episode of the podcast.
Dude I drank 27 Yuenglings Saturday and now I'm in the Beer Hole bad.
When your honey dresses up in a polar bear costume, kicks you in the nuts, then tries to infiltrate your asshole
Wow dude my lady icy holed me real hard last night
another charming invention by my five year old. offensive term often used as an insult when ones own way is not being got.
mum i hate you you are a baggin hole.