A stiffy (or boner) that bends to the left when facing south.
Barbados: Hey man, why is your brother not on Facebook any more?
Fred: I don't know. Fuck. I think he is just acting like an Eastside Willy....
The sexual act where your partner jacks you off firmly until you ejaculate, right before he cums, she pulls the foreskin over the head and sutures it closed for a day. After the cum has hardened and a possible serious green bacteria has formed, she removes the stitches and jerks him off again, releasing a fountain of green, bacteria filled, cum.
1. I just did the Alaskan Willy Tuck with Sandra and now I need to see a doctor!
Willy rot is an STD that affects 1 in every 10,000,000,000 men making it very rare. It can be contracted by not changing your underwear for 10 or more days. It starts by rotting your willy and balls and then starts to make your fingers and nose rot like hypothermia. Willy rot isn’t fatal but can be used as a way to prevent loss of virginity. Patient zero is supposedly Andrew donagher.
Person 1: did you hear Finn has willy rot?
Person 2: yeah I think so. Thankfully it’s in the early stages and can still be prevented,
The Arkansas Wet Willie is where you go down to Booneville, Arkansas and go "mudding". While you are mudding you stop mid-way and start to have sexual intercouse. When finished, you go back to "mudding".
Me and Jessica just got done doing the ol' Arkansas Wet Willie
A special type of kite shaped like a fat penis, only to be used by the male species and Connor.
OMG man his willy flapper has gone saggy!
Of course it has, there's no wind pull on the dangly bit at the end.
the process of the willys nilly is where the victim is thrown violently down to a door frame and is strapped down with belt buckles and chuckles giggity giggity and is forced to watch lesbian porn and the victims eyes are forced open by taping two forks together while the ends of the forks are faced out and putting them between there eyes. and then is filled with insane yeast infections. once this torture or pleasure is over the victim is then filled with jizz and is dragged across the floor saying " im a snail, im a snail" then is forced to go to Vietnam lose his or her leg then come back to america to visit his family, only to come back to get his leg cause that littering.
i went to my moms house and then my dad that should be in prison did the old willys nilly on me.
Like a Wet Willie but to the eye.
Since feces is commonly found on human hands and fingers, when in contact with the eye causes “pink” eye.
As I was resting in my recliner, my daughter gave me a Pink Willie. It felt like my eyelashes were glued together.