a chat command in the web game Roblox that you type in chat and it makes you wave
coolboy1938: */e wave*
coolgirl8391: omg you liek me?!?!?! want to /e date me too?!?!?
coolboy1938: yes i date and mary
A High school Student overthought of what Einstein said about time being Relative.
He stated, “What if, Einstein really meant that everything we have done and will have done has and or is currently being done in a different Plate of time or a different branch of time when he said Time was relative. Which means that before our teacher had told us to do a project or a homework we have already finished and passed the assigned work.”
The Boy had won an argument against his teacher by using Theorium E which he had just made up.
Online tabloid magazine or other electronic news source.
Ryan: Where’s Josh? Tried to text him.
Michael: He’s probably on the e-Rag again. He’ll surface sooner or later.
Embarrassing someone on a forum/website
"It feels great giving someone E-Embarrassment when they deserve it!"
Jeon Jeongguk in the epitome of an E-boy. He has longish hair, it's really fluffy, and he sometimes curls it. If he had Tik Tok people would go ballistic. He has also done the eyeroll things where you tap your fingers on your temple and it is amazing.
Jeon Jeongguk is the best E-boy
a shorter way to say internet bird
"a video of my bird got over a million likes, i guess you could say he's an e-boy."