A group of wastemen driving a batty waggon
Mate don't start with me, at least I aint part of your fanny pack
When your wear your woman around your waist with your lipstick in it...
Got her so hot she's on these hips like a fanny pack
British slang for a gangbang.
She was excited for the twelve guys to give her a fanny pack.
An Americanism for what in proper English is a "bum bag" — a pouch or other device worn around the waist by butt sluts to hold safer-sex supplies, sex toys and other paraphernalia for kinky buttsecks. The wearer is typically clad in skintight stretch clothing to showcase their assets, leaving nowhere else to store their anal lube, condoms, butt plugs, douche or enema bulbs and other supplies needed to prepare their butts for anal sex. While jogging (running around) or cycling (peddling their arses all over town) to find a mate, the savvy buttslut comes prepared by wearing this pack (usually directly over or above the trampstamp) with everything needed to savour the fruits of Sodom.
So why, then, would a bum bag be a "fanny pack"? Most likely, a few trollops are looking for a Devil's threesome which involves double penetration — one penis in the bum, another penis in the fanny at the same time. That would require extra rubbers, extra lube and presumably redundant birth control — all of which needs to be packed away in that little pouch.
An erotic sex position, where the woman uses ropes/strings( powerful enough) to suspend herself in the front of the man, so he can walk and fuck her at the same time. This is a symbol of dominance of the man over the woman.
Dude 1: I see you fanny packed her.
Dude 2: Had to show her who's the boss.
1. A bag that goes around your waist if you still think you're in the 90's
2. In British slang, a bunch of vaginas
1. Why is that dude wearing a fanny pack
An utterly mindless simpleton.
A Fanny Pack would be funnier than this guy!