Combination of two words; Walking and Bus
1. A Morbidly Obese Person Who Goes So Slow While Walking Across The Street They Take Up The Road Like A Extremely Large Passenger Vehicle With A Full Load And Blocking Them From Taking A Turn Into A Clear Path And Blocking The Whole Intersection / Parking Spots / Entrances and Exits Creating A Hazard.
I went to Walmart to go shopping and while I was stuck behind this fucking "Walking Bus" of a woman whose ass and gut was dragging on the asphalt blocking the movement of vehicles and people from entering the store after she made it to the entrance of the store. By The Time She Crossed The Sun Set And Rose The Very Next Day.
When you surprise a bus driver with the scent of drugs then leave crumbs of hard drugs rubbed into the seats or similar imbedding to cause d.u.i.
Did you leave that bus banger on there on purpose?