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An animated type of tv show or movie that is mostly from japanese people. Including naruto, deathnote, hunter x hunter, host club, and soul eater. With genres that include fighting, comedy, romance, and more

girl: do you watch the anime Naruto?
boy: yes i enjoy it

by spoonofrice March 29, 2022


Anime is like cartoon, but little bit different. Anime is very popular, and if you are an anime watcher, you are called a "weeb". Most animes are Japanese, some are Chinese. Most animes has a manga version of it, go check it out! Some popular animes are My Hero Academia, Attack on Titan, Naruto & more. Every animes have a different artstyle, for example, TBHK (Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun). The artstyle is very cute!

Don't really have an example here, but, you should go watch animes! I recommend Attack on Titans, My Hero Academia, Death Note, Jujutsu Kaisen, Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun & Black Butler ! :) (You don't have to watch animes if you don't like them!)

by PrincessLin June 23, 2021


Anime is gay

Do you watch anime? What?! I'm not a gay ass loser like you.

by EvilDoggeR August 25, 2017


A beautiful thing in life... sorta like demon slayer, my hero acadamia, the promised neverland and saiki k.

Sister: Ewww you like anime
Me: Well at least its not as bad as power rangers
Sister: *stares
Me: *laughs because i made her realize anime is good

by adison-likes-sex January 24, 2022


Anime es como los japoneses llaman a sus dibujos animados, porque "dibujos animados" ya estaba cogido. Los animes tratan de tener argumentos filosóficos, serios, trepidantes o divertidos, entre otros, y fallan catastróficamente a la hora de serlo.

Es importante saber que, aunque en la mayoría de los animes actuales se representa a algunas mujeres con "argumentos" de proporciones titánicas, todo otaku que se precie te dirá que no es porno. Que lo digan tantas veces me parece sospechoso. Los hombres en los animes son representados en forma de canijos imberbes y estúpidos que, sin embargo, pueden usar espadas más grandes que ellos sin despeinarse.
Los animes se caracterizan por tener una tasa de fotogramas por segundo más baja que la obtenida al jugar a Battlefield 1 en una tostadora. Esto se ve compensado mediante el uso de dibujos atrayentes y coloridos, que en los diálogos permanecen estáticos moviendo la boca de arriba a abajo hasta terminar de hablar. Todo lo anteriormente mencionado tiene sus raíces en que los japoneses son listos, y saben venderse a las masas de moradores de sótanos que pasan su triste existencia consumiendo esta clase de animación.

El anime es, por ello, una abominación audiovisual, con guiones malos, animación mala, historias genéricas y personajes con voz de pito insoportable. Si no quieres tener una visita indeseada a un psiquiatra, te recomiendo que te alejes de cualquier tipo de anime.

Peligro público: Oye, ¿te vienes a mi casa a ver anime?
Transeúnte inocente: No, gracias. Prefiero conservar mi integridad mental.

by SaSarcasm April 21, 2017


Artistic,professionally designed digital drawings,that have been gifted the ability to move on the second plane of reality and gifted the looks that a male or female identifying homosapiens would find sexually attractive,as if they have life energy in them,given by homosapiens of the asian nature,whom been created from a female homosapiens organ located in the country of human beings that have quite thin eyes in width on a yellowish tinted face,whom created a society in the far-east and have greatly outrun other asian countries in technological,cultural and societal ways that a human being can give attention to.

"Did you see the new anime?I liked how that blonde girl managed to get the guy to hate her unintentionally"
"I think anime is shit"

by DrexW May 30, 2017


anime is the only thing that makes me happy besides kpop and jpop. ones i recommend are mha and haikyuu

me: hey did you see the my hero academia ep

my cousin: yeah the story line is pretty good and a good anime

by coca cola addiction May 13, 2021