The name given to a man made, man produced beverage deployed using the unzip method. Usually described as a 'stiff' drink due to the major component involved in production.
Justice Juice is given to those whom need to be put back in their place or simply to demonstrate the pecking order in the boardroom.
Justice Juice is always served best lukewarn, straight up with a twist.
Craig: "So, what happened next?"
Paul: "I couldn't take it anymore, so I unzipped and gave the guy a dose of Justice Juice."
Craig: "Did it work?"
Paul: "Well, he authorised that business trip to a ski resort.."
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when some ones eyes get all wet...
"man he has eye juice like a nigga sweatin!"
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bottles of poisonous liquids. referred to pirate juice because of the skull and crossbones and its ability to be drank.
dude, did you just drink the pirate juice? fuckin call 911.
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(n) Old British slang for Pre-ejaculate, pre-cum, or any residue from having ejaculated or urinated.
I had a wet spot on my shorts from making so much puppy juice.
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Pussy beer, cheerleader beer, most commonly referred to as any mikes hard lemonade product. And/or any good tasting liquor, mostly drank by women.
"Man, you should down a jag bomb with me"
"nah, I think I want a mikes hard lemonade."
" why in the hell would you want some CUNT JUICE?"
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The liquid that comes out of the vagina of a Ginger, due to the natural reflex when touched by a non-ginger.
When sam made justin touch her vagina, Ginger Juice got on his aeropostal sweatshirt.
Dylan: Did that ginger give u head
Justin: No, but i got her ginger juice all over my aeropostal sweatshirt
Dylan: Bummer. Thats why I don't fuck with Gingers. They have no souls
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Charging the battery on your laptop, mobile phone, battery-operated device etc, when it's going/gone flat.
Jess: "How come you didn't answer my text?"
Alex: "Sorry, my phone was Brick Juicing, I didn't have it on me!"
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