feeling great sadness after seeing something
seeing her with him made me feel some shit man
The act of getting completely shafted and stabbed in the back, usually by a twat
I feel bad for Alex, Owen totally Some Kinda Time’d him
When your boomer parents still think that you can apply for jobs by physically going to a business and asking if there are any jobs available, just like they did back in the day, before the popularity of the internet or pre-2000.
Dad: why don't you get off your arse and get a job.
Son: I've been looking online for weeks and applied for everything I can, there's nothing new.
Dad: Your not looking hard enough, go out and knock on some doors. That's what I did when I was your age.
Son: Dad, nobody does that anymore, employers and job agencies do everything online now. Even the job centre posts their own stuff there.
Dad: omg kids these days, don't know how good they have it. When I was your age I walked 20 miles to work and back barefoot whilst carrying a bag of cole on my back, I got paid 2 bob a week, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Son: stfu dad, stop lying and get with the times.
SOME CUNT- refers to a mystery person who has done some mythical feat. Some Cunt is actually a Japanese truck driver. Uncommon is this truck driver, but they still manage to achieve their objectives without any visual sightings.
Ooy, where is the box of beer?
I left it here unless Some Cunt took it!
To smoke crack or crystal meth from a pipe
Trying to toast some rock in Baltimore? Prepared to make your crack pipe from recycled materials.
Eating beef jerkey while cracking your toes.
Just hanging out...cracking on some jimmies.