a smartass who thinkins they are smarter than anyone but only came as a transfer student form boarding school
James:"oh looks its the nerd"
The nerd:...."actually....my name is steven.."
An individual that focuses on academic achievements to the detriment of social and physical skills.
A person who has high intellect but lacks social skills and physical ability.
That nerd is very awkward around girls and can't kick a soccer ball, but he has all the atomic masses of noble gases memorized to the thousandth's place.
Without a doubt the best people in the world. Super smart, funny, kind, all around the coolest people.
Formally a negative term, then accepted and eventually became a cool thing, now it’s just the norm, we’re all nerds, some are just nerdier than others
Idiot:you’re such a nerd
Nerd: do you like some kind of sci-fi, fantasy or superhero fandom?
Idiot: yeah I love (insert nerd thing here
Nerd: you’re also a nerd
someone who is smart. Bully's usually call there victims this, but its a complement. This word was created by Dr. Seuss's book If I Ran the Zoo (1950).