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Ladies and Gents and non-binary friends

gender-inclusive greeting expression

replacement of the exclusive expression "Ladies and Gentlemen" with a rhyme structure

invented by the YouTuber One Topic At A Time as an appropriate greeting towards his queer audience

"Ladies and Gents and non-binary friends, welcome to today's episode of r/sapphoandherfriend."
"Let's dive into this subreddit, ladies and gents and non-binary friends!"

by AkΓΌma March 26, 2020

7πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž

there was an old lady with skin patches who swallowed a horse

A dark story for children that ends with the words "Perhaps She'll Die", with the exception of the very end where the old lady is finally dead.

Guy 1: Did you hear how there was an old lady with skin patches who swallowed a horse?

Guy 2: No what happened to her?

Guy 1: She died

Guy 2: Why did nobody help her?

Guy 1: She died after she ate the horse with patches and became deaf and her skin fell off

Guy 2: Wtf!

by panda_patches May 7, 2013

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Get yo old lady chancletas outa here

when a kid, a teenager or a young adult wears old ass chancletas.
(or wearing your grandpa's or grandma's shoes)

me: *looks down to see what your wearing*
you: what?
me: why are you wearing that?
you: uhm.. because I was fishing...?
you: uh...
me: look my chancletas are better than yours!

by the boring one August 7, 2019

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

no fucking shit, lady! do i sound like i'm ordering a pizza?

A quote from a movie called "die hard", meaning: obviously!
Usually used in phone conversations.

Supervisor: Attention, whoever you are. This channel is reserved for emergency calls only...
Detective John McClane: No fucking shit, lady! Do I sound like I'm ordering a pizza?

by whatdoyoudialtogetoutofthematrix January 22, 2004

322πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž

how'd it go with your lady friend? Carve up any ice...with your wiener?

A quote from the will ferrell movie "Blades of Glory". Easily one of the funniest quotes in the movie

How'd it go with your lady friend? Carve up any ice...with your wiener?

by phil atio April 13, 2008

12πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Cold-Lady Party

A party in which a predetermined lady with an absurdly low body temperature needs to be warmed. It is the goal, and obligation, of each and every party member to warm said lady in any way possible (i.e flame torch, boiler, or snuggie). Those who warm the lady most effectively as determined by said lady win a prize determined by the party host.

"Dude that cold-lady party was effin awesome."

"I know! Chad warmed her up in, like, 3.5 minutes!"

by Ian Thane November 20, 2009

Old Lady Pizza boxing

Agreeing with someone just to be nice when you don’t really mean it.

As in you meet an old lady on the beach and she asks if she helped hold the door while you carry in pizza boxes and you agree even though you haven’t had pizza in a month.

Are you Old Lady Pizza Boxing me?

by Jdubsyoyo4 June 18, 2020