A person who sucks a horse dick And then drowns in cum.
One day when Ricky was playing in the field. He walked up to a horse and out of curiosity began to Give a horse blowjob. The horse enjoyed it so much it came right in Ricky mouth. And he drowned to death in horse cum.
A pocket where you keep your horse, primarily used in video games.
Rowan: Where do you keep your horse?
Ben: In my horse pocket... obviously. The pocket where I keep my horse
Rowan: So when you say horse pocket do you mean like a building or a carriage?
Ben: Yea, when I say pocket I obviously mean a building or carriage, what. No I mean a pocket, you know how your pants have those fabric pouches that you keep stuff in
Rowan: Yea the pocket where you put like your potions...
Ben: or a horse
Rowan: ... or your keys
Ben: or your horse
Rowan: Ben what do you mean HORSE POCKET
Ben: A pocket for your horse it's not a riddle
Rowan: Let me get this straight, you're talking about that one ton creature that we ride on, you put in the pocket on your thigh.
Ben: That's generally what I mean by horse pocket
Rowan: How do you put a horse in your pocket?
Ben: OK Rowan let me walk you through it it's a really tricky thing. First step: you get your hand, you know that fleshy thing at the end of your arm, put that in your pocket now pull out your horse
(Pulls out a horse)
Ben: Sweet... or should we still just go to the stables?
A slur for someone of Mongolian descent
Bob: He's a horse Hair motherfucker.
Jack: how do you know?
Bob: look at his eyes jackass
A skyrim-horse is a horse found in the game "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"
As a consequence of its strange physics, it is verry good at climbing mountians and other elevated terrain.
(latin) "Climbus horseus"
Person1: Wow this mountian is pretty hard to climb.
Person2: Yeah i could realy use a "Skyrim horse"
"Skyrim Horses" or "Skyrimus horseus" (latin) are commonly found in the Elder scrolls game "Skyrim".
Because of the horses marvelous capability of ascending mountian they have also been given the nickname "mountian climbers".
I need to get up that mountian, wait let me get my "skyrim horse" so that i can ascend it.
Another way for the younger generation to say “playing with yourself” or “jerking off”
Ill come over in a minute, just let me get the horses out
Is an insult used on people commonly meaning. Vagina Horse.
Friend: Dude! your a dick head!
Me: Well, my friend you are a cunt horse.