A description of something that is really bothersome.
John: Let’s go outdoors and finish up that project we started yesterday.
Frank: Naw man, that cold wind is ‘cutting that ass’ and I don’t have a coat!
pieces of shit that you can feel stuck in your butthole, but can't get out.
"Aw, Mom, I've got ass nuggets in my butt again. Can you get the spork?"
A person who plays with your emotions and is unloyal. Also a huge snake.
Person 1: Did you hear about that asshole Ryan Nisbet?
Person 2: Yes! He cheated on my friend.
Person 1: He's such an ass nugget!
Person 2: Agreed!
The little pebbles of shit you find in between your butt after you don't wipe.
I found another ass nugget, I really need to start wiping.
In late capitalism, corporations and especially banks become increasingly greedy and mad. They can begin to slur their customers by calling them ‘a-rare-ass’. This indicates a political desire to engage in regressive policies that target the poorest and transfer their savings to the wealthiest, their own share holders.
My bank just emptied my account and stole my rent, on Christmas! When I asked them why, they shrugged and called me, ‘a-rare-ass’! Those bastards!