When some one with a big dick has their forehead what on.
Wow! I was just dirty dono-ed. Now my forehead has a permanent brown stain.
A Dirty Erencem is where a Turkish man tears off his foreskin and wraps it around an unsuspecting Uzbek woman's throat and then start to have intercourse with her. The words "Glory to Erencum!" Whilst performing this act.
"Erencem gave me a dirty Erencem last night"
"Yeah me too! I have his foreskin in my bed"
A girl namen "mai" that turns horny often. When she turns horny you can call her a dirty Mai
Mai: Fuck me daddy
me: Stop acting like a dirty mai
When a person shits on a old lady's hemeroid then licks it off
I gave her a dirty hemmy for her 80th birth day
the type of guy to enjoy searching up dirty and then his friends names
This is when a persian girl deepthroats her man right after her cup of chai making her mouth dry and gritty.
Side hoe: why is your dick flaky?
Man: Sadaf gave me a BJ after drinking tea yesterday
Side hoe: aaaah she gave you a dirty Sadaf