conversation between two people
a: you’re not funny
b: ok ok
* random person comes out of no where *
c: b is actually really funny!
a: the fuck you is?
Living more then five minutes from a dollar general store
You live in bumble fuck nowhere.
When a girl with a huge strap-on deep throats a guy until it reaches his stomach.
See that guy over there? Yeah he got gut fucked by me.
When two of more business persons, contractors or editors modify a document through multiple turns as drafting the same document.
David G: You lawyers spent the past two days pencil fucking that 5 page settlement agreement so there should be no ambiguity.
Lawyer S. It needs a little bit to get to perfectly pencil fucked.
Fuck 12 (or Fuck the Police) but French. Anti-police slang popularized by the French group 13 Block. The number 17 refers to the French emergency telephone number for the police.
13 Block: Nique la police. Fuck le 17.