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she thick

SHe THiCK MEaNS A GiRL THaT HaS MEaT ON HeR BoNeS.....THiS COULD MEaN SHe HaS BoDy....ASS.....TiTS.....HiPs......OR SHe COuLD Be A LiTTle THiCk In ThE MiD SECTiON.

DaMN SHe ThICk.....U SHoULD GeT At HeR PiMP.

by LaKi MaCC May 9, 2008

61๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

she gone

a down ass bitch who up and left

She used to be here but now...She Gone

by She Gone August 12, 2015

35๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


She-bro, one of the female gender who has committed bro-like acts.

She-bro: yo dog i like your new kicks

bro: thanks, she-bro!

by CASSIDEEYUH July 24, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Funnel type thing for use by females who would rather urinate standing as opposed to squatting, ideal for use by bird watchers; cute hand puppet created by Alec, not to be confused with actual she-pee device.

"I wanna use a she-pee'

"Awww Sheepee" accompanied by a cutesy hand movement

"The hills are alive with... Sheepee!"

by Spastic Space Monkee October 4, 2009

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The female equivalent of a douche.

Alissa is a she-douche.

by trb12345 August 30, 2012

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she's ok

When someone says "she's ok" in a conversation, it typically means, well, you are "ok". From their perspective, you are ordinary, and "ok". You are cool but not cool, kind of way. That person might be jealous of you and doesn't like you. If someone says you are ok, don't take it personally, like it is a bad thing.

Mark- "Do you like Kasidy?"
Tom- "Ehh, She's ok."

by WhenLifeGivesYaLemonsThrowEm February 11, 2018

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An outdated term for they

"It says here he/she can then turn the switch to on"

"Wow those instructions must be outdated"

by deafinitionplshelpicanthear November 2, 2020

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