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Friends with benefits

When two close friends would like to shift one another but have no emotional connection with each other

I don't want to go out but we can be friends with benefits

by Da boys June 24, 2017

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friends with benefits

All of the sex with none of the commitment

Boy: Hey do you want to date me?
Girl: No I don't want anything serious. What about friends with benefits?
Boy: Just hooking up? Sure.

by bored54321 June 25, 2018

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Friends with benefits

Characterized by an intimate relationship with a friend in a specific way that has no intention or future in dating. I.e holding hands, sex, drunk kissing. These people may have an emotional connection as friends but have none in intimacy with each other. Can get confused with friends that on occasion date, but the difference is mutual intentions. Friends with Benefits is a relationship status with preset boundaries. if or once those boundaries are crossed, the friendship is what is sacrificed.

They are just friends with benefits.

by Bootsbabe July 16, 2017

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Hanging With Benefits

Hanging with Benefits or HWB is when 2 people with a history and or sexual tension play hanging with friends

boy: failed to solve females, plays word nudes

Girl: solves nudes and plays Passion

Boy:plays hottie .....waiting on girl to solve HOTTIE

boy:(Receives text from girl ) "are you trying to say something" Girl: (Receives text from boy) "i thought we were playing Hanging With Benefits

by jkilla71692 October 26, 2011

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Friends with benefits

Two individuals to afraid of commitment but they like to fondle with each other in private and public, especially when friends are around.

Brandia S. and John M. are friends with benefits

by jack meoff :) August 4, 2009

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friends with benefits

When friends let you use their address in Manhattan so that you can order food from Seemless.com with would not deliver to your own address.

Mark: You want to get some take out from Max Brenner? I know Jenny living on 13th st, we can get it ordered there since she is one of my friends with benefits.

by Footlover32 May 25, 2012

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Benefit Friend

A Girl's booty call.

Are you both together? No, he is my benefit friend.

by wawawa August 10, 2005

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