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This a term that is really only used in New Jersey (North and South) and it means down the shore

Hey Chad I’m going dts bring sarah

by Chris Petch = daddy August 18, 2023


An abbreviation for “Down to Suck?”, like DTF but for sucking cock instead of fucking.

Guy: Hey, wanna come over?
Girl: Yeah, sure
Guy: DTS?

by PENISDANGLER April 24, 2020


Day Time Sex

We had the day off so the wife ran the kids over to her mothers so we could indulge in some DTS

by rbucek July 17, 2015


Abrevation for "dick too small"

When a guy dick is way to small too Even give you STDs

Girl he can't even carry STDs, he has Dts!!

by Lee's leedle October 28, 2018


DTS - down to smoke

I.e. Aye man you dts?

by Harleyboy327 April 26, 2020


Down The Shore
jerseyans way of saying to the beach

friend 1: hey what you doing today
you: nothing much
friend 1: alright do you wanna go dts
you: yea sure i'll be ready in 20

by kylesj May 26, 2019


Abbreviation for: Down To Smoke (weed).

Friend 1: Are you DTS?
Friend 2: Forsure forsure, I’m always down for a fat doink.

by dooot April 30, 2018