Something a person has to pay after attending a vocational school or college, usually for a long period of time.
He had been paying off his college debt for so long that he began to call it his student groan.
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a schizophrenic who has convinced themselves they go to harvard
wolfgang is such a "harvard student"
Urm well I definitely read all about it...remind me will you? What is it again?
Phil: I'm an Accounting Student because I want to help rich people
Sacha: I'm a History Student because I want to get Rudy Guilani to take his winky out on TV
A group of students attemping to organise themselves or an event, usually getting side tracked and distracked rather than getting on with it (often with innuendo or just weird conversations).
A smush of students were trying to sort out a birthday party, but kept on just telling dick jokes instead.
The experience of enjoying a free lunch as a freshman, usually laid on by a local church or similar, only for it to be oafed up by a try-hard local hipster band "serenading" their audience and refusing to play at an appropriate volume for lunch, effectively forcing you to listen or leave.
Student 1: "Dude, we went to that free student lunch yesterday. My ears are still ringing thanks to that shitty hipster band"
Student 2: "You totally got student lunched, bro"
A bunch of dumb ass thots that think they’re cool when really kearsley is thought of as a trashy school full of poor idiotic childish kids. Everyone at kearsley accuses their friends of doing things that they didn’t do and every student has a new group of friends every year because they switch up so much they can’t keep the same people around.
“Yeah im a Kearsley Student”
“Poor bitch ass thot” *runs away*
The act of studying and being a good student, while living on ramen noodles.
I have tons of homework to do.
Time to activate my student-fu.