Lacey is one of the most amazing people you could ever meet. She is so very kind and genuine and so full of love. She always puts a smile on your face and makes you laugh until your ribs hurt. She’s absolutely gorgeous and her smile is very warming. She’s very shy when you meet her but when you get to know her she’s the funniest, loveliest soul ever.
Person 1 - what’s your friends name?
Person 2 - Lacey
Person 1 - your very lucky if you have a Lacey as a friend
Person 2 - yes I am :)
Lacey is a sensitive generous cute girl shes very strong and loves starting fights and always wins,despite her cute look she can take you out.
P1: Bro I had a fight with lacey
P2: bets she won
P1:you right
Mean at times and nice at times , sometimes ratchet , loyal , bad , and cute !
If Lacey don’t like u trust and believe she don’t .
Beautiful kind sweet funny loving caring intelligent hotter than the fiery pits of hell she is sexy af i love her so much i would do anything for her she is the most amazing girl ever in my whole life
Man his lacey is way hotter than any girl I've seen